Yoga Mat and Equipment

October 21, 2008 by  
Filed under About Yoga

Yoga doesn’t require a large commitment of equipment and clothing. Some people wear leotards; others wear baggy clothes; still others go without clothing altogether (an option if you’re working out at home, but you won’t find many clothing-optional classes).

The one piece of equipment you absolutely do need is a yoga mat, one that’s sticky or tacky (that is, nonslip), as opposed to smooth or slippery.

Look for a mat that’s at least 68 inches long by 24 inches wide — longer is better, if you can find one. If you’d like to try yoga once or twice without investing in a mat, you can use a thick towel or blanket. Look for a yoga mat at your local sporting goods store, yoga specialty shop, gym, yoga studio, or at online shops.

Unlike most other fitness activities that require a major investment in footwear, yoga is generally practiced barefoot, although some practitioners do wear socks.


2 Comments on "Yoga Mat and Equipment"

  1. yoga dvd dude on Mon, 23rd Mar 2009 10:34 pm 

    Socks? I have never heard of that …

  2. admin on Tue, 24th Mar 2009 6:05 am 

    Sure, some practitioners use non-slip yoga socks with or without a mat for their practice.

    For an example of a “yoga sock”, check out this website:

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